Unexpected MTB Trails Near San Francisco’s Airport

What do the locals know about the San Francisco Peninsula? There is only so much information you can get from watching POV clips or looking at Trailforks, so we landed at SF airport and made the perfect itinerary for two full days of riding in the area. You'd be surprised what you can find to ride in the heart of Silicon Valley - and not only that, but some legendary spots to grab pre-ride coffee and post-ride burritos. If you've ever passed through San Francisco or been to the Sea Otter Classic, these trails have been within striking distance the entire time.

Check out this list to see all the spots we visited during our 48 hour stay on the SF Peninsula:

Day One: Pacifica
Soul Grind Coffee: https://www.soulgrindcoffee.com/
San Pedro Trails: https://www.trailforks.com/region/pedro-mountain/
Taco Bell Cantina: https://www.businessinsider.com/worlds-most-beautiful-taco-bell-pacifica-california-what-its-like-2021-11

Day Two: Half Moon Bay, Waterdog Lake, Skeggs
Caffe Mezzaluna: https://www.mezzalunabythesea.com/caffe-mezzaluna
Waterdog Lake: https://www.trailforks.com/region/waterdog-lake--open-space/
Buck's of Woodside: https://www.buckswoodside.com/
Methuselah Tree: https://openspacetrust.org/blog/old-growth-redwood/
Skeggs: https://www.trailforks.com/region/el-corte-de-madera-creek-open-space-preserve/
Alice's Restaurant: https://alicesrestaurant.com/

We stayed at the Oceano Hotel in Half Moon Bay for this trip, which has free parking on-site and is right on the harbor. Tons of stuff within walking (and riding) distance: https://oceanohalfmoonbay.com/

A massive thank you to our friends at the SF Peninsula team, they helped us out so much with the planning for this project. Their website is an awesome for researching more stuff to do in the area, if you're planning to visit: https://www.thesanfranciscopeninsula.com/

Let me know where we should go next!